Here are some refined digital roughs for Kiddy Pool. There was a lot of great criticism that I took into consideration when doing yet another round of revisions. Some things mentioned were that the illustrations of the car and frog were not entirely integrated when used with the Kiddy Pool word mark. In the car logo, the flowers did not come off as exhaust from the car, but rather a lingering element that wasn't working with the logo. Also, the placement of the car was unresolved. For the frog logo, the line representing hops/leaps of the frog was not meshing well with the type in the logo. It wasn't integrating with the typeface and seemed like a static element. Also, the placement of the frog seemed off when compared to the car in the other logo. Everyone was fairly pleased with the word mark, but there were issues with the flower. What does it mean? Why is it there? Do you need it there?
Just a few things to think about before revising again...

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