Sooooo after printing the car roughs, and mocking them up, I have already found some changes I need to make! On the business card, I've realized that less is more. I need to make the car smaller, or wayyy more transparent so the car isn't distracting from the logo. Also, on the envelope there are definitely some issues when it is put together. I couldn't wrap my head around how this all worked! If you have any comments or ideas on what to do on any of these let me knowwwww!
I'm liking my frog mock-ups a little bit more, but these won't be used until parents are familiar with the program. Maybe that's something to consider when making the mailers and such. Just an idea that came across. If you have any comments or ideas they are greatly appreciated!
Oh! and just a heads up! All of these are printed on a textured cream it definitely has a different aesthetic appeal when they're mocked up versus on a digital file! Just putting that out thurr.

Alright to start out…I compeltely agree with the idea of making the care smaller or waaaay transparent. Cuz most likely you will have type on this letterhead and havng that competition over the car would be very distracting and hard to read. Possibly similar transparencies to the business card directly below would work well.
Just a side comment on the car letterhead. I am loving the small address located at the bottom of the page. Maybe if you could make the car smaller and have the green trail just be traveling over that? Just an idea..may not look good once you try it.
Of the two evelopes I believe that your more successful one is the frog one. I really enjoy the envelope flap being green. It adds a distinguishing factor to it. Although as we talked before class we both agreed that the swoosh on the back of the envelope would be too much. And doesn’t fit well when it comes together with the flap either. Almost too much.
I really do like both letterheads..but for different reasons. The car is interacting with the entire page..while the frog is just located in the bottom left corner. I like them both! Especially if you work with the car say go with the car.
Business cards! I would have to say that I think the car would work best with yoru business. Even though I love the frog, I agree with the class when they say your company is about carpooling and giving a business card to someone who doesn’t know your company with a frog on it might be confusing. The car works better and I really like the layout and elements you have on it as well. The swooshes are engaging and I love the transparent large car! Really solidifies your company!
I like the use of the transparent stroke made by the car, it leads your eye throughout the page, just pay close attention to where the stroke meets with the wordmark at the top. On the envelope, I don’t think it’s necessary to have such large spaces in between the address, I think it should be clumped together so you read it as an address and not separate elements.
The idea of including a mailer may be appropriate, so that the parents and children know what the program is all about, instead of just using a letterhead. It could include pictures of happy kids riding together in a car or something along those lines as well as why it is a good idea and healthy for the environment and so on.
So far though, I think the Frog graphics are more interesting than the car because you get the idea of bouncing and leaping around from the stroke following the frog.
For the business card, maybe instead of the standard rectangle, it could be another interesting shape with rounded corners to mimic the curve of the stroke following the frog and car.
i really like your use of the graphics in all of your designs, it sure makes it fun to look at.
I would suggest using the car as your main letter and use the frog for supporting documents (like a monthly uptade or something)
Your's is another identity (along with Clair's) that could benefit from some photographs that enhance the professionalism of your company and otherwise support your identity. Getting photographs to speak the same language as and be able to interact with your logo/symbol elements will be a challenge, but one that will push your entire identity and its application pieces to another level. Consider applying these in a self-mailer (still think that is the way to go) to inform and attract parents to use your company.
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