Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Final System Application

Hey guys-Here's my final system application. Take a look!

1 comment:

Andy said...

I think your identity came together really well at the end- your alternating use of the frog/car felt a lot more satisfying than before, especially on things like the t-shirts where they are the main focus.

Your website also looks nice. I wouldn't have been bold enough to use that bright "lego" green so prominently, but it works. Looking at your standards manual (rough), I was surprised to see how many colors were used. They work together to look like a simpler color scheme in the pieces. One thing I would consider (of course it would have been difficult to do for the assignment) is including on the website larger pictures that show kids/parents/drivers together or at events, etc. Or allow people from the community to post related pictures to the site- putting these sorts of things in would make the site even more welcoming or "trustworthy".